This is a two-part series on why I left the military. And even though my deployment was 3 years before I actually left. I couldn’t leave out how preparing for war affected me in making the decision to leave when I wrote the story. When I was tagged with a short notice deployment (meaning less […]
There are No Awards in Motherhood
There are no awards in motherhood, but the military is full of them. When you are in the military you get regular at-a-boys to help encourage and motivate you. Motherhood is quite the opposite. Most of your days you wear yourself out giving and giving and end up with a pile full of laundry, a […]
How do Military and Motherhood Intersect
For 2017, I am doing a weekly series on why the military actually prepares you for motherhood. You probably didn’t realize the military and motherhood intersect. I will use military terms and relate them to motherhood. I will also draw on my past experiences as a military member. Some of the words seem rather odd, like […]
How to Make your New Years Resolution a Reality
How does running relate to New Years Resolutions? I didn’t think it did, but then I ran. So I was training for my half marathon and on the docket was run 5 miles. In my mind, 5 miles doesn’t seem very far, especially when you are training for a half marathon. I mean, it isn’t […]
5 Ways to Meet People When You Move
Moving is hard. Besides the fact that you have to meet people, there are so many things to deal with when moving to a new assignment. You have a new city that has new schools, grocery stores, and more. You are trying to learn your new address, streets, and just how to get from point […]
Stay at Home Moms: New Life Begins
It is weird. I had wanted to be a mom for most of my life and on the outside, everything looked great, but inwardly I was scared of losing (giving up) everything for this baby I knew was coming. Stay at home moms have the hardest job. No one really understands what that means until […]
Military Transition to Civilian Life
I always thought going to Afghanistan would be my hardest life experience. Here is the story of my military transition to civilian life. I went to college after high school because that is what everyone does (right?) at least that’s what all my friends were doing. For me, going to college was what I had […]
Celebrate the Holidays Together When You Can
When you are a military family there are often times when you don’t get to celebrate the holiday, anniversary, or life occasion on the day it should actually take place. Deployments, shift work and other military responsibilities sometimes leave life in flux. One thing I have learned from being in the military is that often times […]
Home for the Holidays – Should Service Members Go Home
Sometimes going home for the holidays feels like more work than would be worth the effort. So it is important to think about the best option for you as a military member when deciding what to do for this holiday season. Especially during a year with COVID where traveling could be restricted by leadership making […]
Honoring Military Spouses on Veterans Day
I know how hard your life is now. Your life as a military spouse isn’t an easy one. I used to wonder why military spouses got so much credit for all they do. Being a military member I knew what sacrifices I and my fellow members were making, but just like you cannot understand what […]