31 Days of Deployment Stories

Did you know your story still matters? And that is why I am sharing deployment stories for the month of October, 31 Days of Deployment Stories. I hope they encourage and inspire you. And maybe you will learn something about yourself and those who have served our military and are still serving today.

Did you know your story still matters? And that is why I am sharing deployment stories. I hope they encourage and inspire you. And maybe you will learn something about yourself and those who have served our military and are still serving today.

People often tell me their favorite part of my blog is my deployment stories and I think part of the reason is that when you watch the news you really only hear the bad stuff and broad brush strokes. You don’t hear the intimate details of what it is like to be overseas. The day to day living deployed is often not exciting enough to make the news.

When I was growing up my neighbor was a World War II veteran. I’m not sure how, but he ended up coming to my history class during my junior year of high school. He shared his experience of what it was like to be in the Navy during World War II. I still remember him talking about how he was thankful for the atomic bombs because they were planning an invasion of Japan before they were dropped and he was certain he would not have survived. It wasn’t something that I had ever read in a history book. I have a cassette tape that I’m working to transcribe.

Saving a piece of history and sharing deployment stories.

My story and his story inspired me to search for more stories and share deployment stories. And what I was able to capture is fascinating. I think you will all enjoy hearing the stories.

What stories can we tell that give people a peek into what being deployed is really like? I am so thankful to have had so many women share their stories. I know you will be inspired and amazed by what you learn. Women are serving our country all over the world.

Thanks for joining me on the adventure. Here is a quick overview of the plan for the month of October.


31 Days Deployment Stories

Day 1 – Sharing Deployment Stories

Day 2 – Types of Deployments

Day 3 – My Deployment Story – PRT Kapisa, Afghanistan: What A Timid Girl Learned to Survive 9 Month In Afghanistan

Day 4 – Another view from PRT Kapisa, Afghanistan

Day 5 – Staying Put Among the Transients, Manas Transit Center, Kyrgyzstan

Day 6 – A Tale of Two Deployments – Spouse Spotlight

Day 7 – A Civilian Perspective, Afghanistan

Day 8 – 4 Deployments One Story, Iraq, Kuwaitt, Afghanistan

Day 9 – A look at the past, Vietnam

Day 10 – What I Learned from My Husband’s Deployment – Spouse Spotlight

Day 11 – Out at Sea, US Navy

Day 12 – The Horn of Africa, US Navy

Day 13 – Knowing Doesn’t Make It isn’t Easier – Spouse Spotlight

Day 14 – Deploying To Iraq

Day 15 – A Female Interrogator, Iraq

Day 16 – Being a Lawyer in Afghanistan and Iraq

Day 17 – When a Spouse Tags Along for a Year in Korea – Spouse Spotlight

Day 18 – A Male Perspective in Afghanistan

Day 19 – A Civil Engineer All Over the World

Day 20 – Heading to South America, Honduras

Day 21 – The Military Life, My Husband is Gone Again – Spouse Spotlight

Day 22 – Intel Officer in Qatar

Day 23 – Target Development at Al Udied

Day 24 – Southwest Asia

Day 25 – Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Air Force Liaison Officer

Day 26 – Your Husband Hasn’t Deployed? – Spouse Spotlight

Day 27 – Pearl Harbor Survivor Story

Day 28 – Navy WWII Veteran Story

Day 29 – An Air Battle Manager in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Day 30 – An Iraq Expedition

Day 31 – Thank You

If you would like to submit a story for future blog post to add to the series please fill out this form and I will contact you with follow up questions. Deployment Question Survey

Thank you again to everyone who made this series possible.