I once was a Captain in the United State Air Force. Now I am a stay at home Mom and blogger. I want to share my stories of what it was like to serve in the military, deploy and now be a spouse. The military gives us an adventure each day. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I hope you can learn a little bit about the military life of people across this county through me sharing my stories.
Military Life
Military Veterans
- Why We Serve
- 5 Tips for Transitioning from Airman to Mom
- Veteran Day Discounts (Food)
- Veteran Day Discounts (Non-Food)
- Why I Joined
- Why We Served
- Deployment Memories
Military Families
Afghanistan Stories
- Combat in Afghanistan
- Beauty in the Mundane
- Building Schools in Afghanistan
- Pumpkins in Afghanistan
- Helicopter in Afghanistan
- Earthquake in Afghanistan
- Afghanistan through Pictures
- Women’s Affairs in Afghanistan
- Sent to War
- The Journey Home
- Weeks to go
- What I learned from Unbroken
- Welcome Home
- The Adventures of Hank
- Children Waiting for a School
- Hot and Jamming
- A Moment of Acceptance (Guest Post)
- The Journey Begins
- Cultural Differences: Being Broken
Provincial Reconstruction Team
- Part 1: Defining a PRT
- Part 2: Province of Kapisa
- Part 3: PRT Civil Engineers
- Part 4: PRT Missions
- Part 5: PRT Challenges
Published Post
- What Military Spouses who Served in the Military Want You to Know
- Proposed BAH Cuts Unfairly Target Dual Military Couple
I am always looking for other military members and families to share their stories. If you would like to share your story on Airman2Mom please contact me at airman2mom at gmail dot com.