This Troubled Ground

Les Carroll is the author of This Troubled Ground. He shares his experience in the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard on the podcast while also highlighting his book. This Troubled Ground is a novel but is based on many experiences from his own military career with fictional characters added to the story. It is […]

Writing a Sci-Fi Military Book

Diana X. Moga wrote a Sci-Fi military book called The Peak Experiment that highlights a female cadet as the protagonist and includes other women of leadership and importance. This book has mystery and suspense and will leave you wondering what will happen next and ready to pick it up and finish the story. Get your […]

The story of Military Moms

Patricia Qaiyyim is an Air Force veteran. She was a military mom while she served in the military. Having children shaped her experience of service and she wanted to share her story and the story of others. Her new book Moms in the Military highlights the stories of women who continued to serve in the […]

A Military Nurse in the Army

A Military Nurse in the Army

What is it like to be a military nurse? Check out Tif Marcelo’s story of serving in the Army as a military nurse. The military paid her tuition to become a nurse through an ROTC scholarship. Today she is a fiction author and in her newest book, she highlights the stories of military spouses. A […]

Coming Home Series by Jessica Scott

Back to You: Book 1 of the Coming Home Series Review by Cynthia Cline Imagine reading a book that grabs your attention immediately to the point that you finish it in less than 2 days. And not just any book, but a story that covers what it’s like to be a military service member and […]

The Stories of Military Women and Women Veteran Authors

The Stories of Military Women and Women Veteran Authors

You might think that becoming an author just takes writing a book. But as I interviewed these women veteran authors for this week’s episode of the podcast I realized that it takes a lot more than having an idea and writing to have a successful book. The one theme that came out of this episode […]

Brave Women with Inspiring Stories

Brave Women with Inspiring Stories

Brave Women Strong Faith is a collection of stories sharing the in and outs of military life from the often unheard military spouse perspective. There is a lot of negativity directed toward the military spouse community. A community often misunderstood and stereotyped by the extreme case instead of the role of a typical military spouse. […]