Weapons System Officer in the Air Force

Weapons System Officer in the Air Force

Vanessa is a Weapons System Officer in the Air Force Reserves. She left active duty when her daughter was born as a dual military, dual service made being stationed together a challenge. In this interview, she talked about the importance of finding your voice and how she helped and helps others find their voice today. […]

When Public Affairs Changed

When Public Affairs Changed

This post is sponsored by . Call Melissa at 1-844-514-LIFE or head over to  to get a free quote today. This week on the Women of the Military Podcast I talked to Lesley Lykins. She shared her experience of serving in the Navy. She was a Public Affairs Officer when social media became a new resource that […]

Sacrificing in War and at Home

Sacrificing in War and at Home

Trina L. Martin is an author, inspirational speaker, and personal development coach who inspires emerging leaders to pursue their wildest dreams with heart and grit. An accomplished and dedicated member of the U.S. military for nearly 30 years, she has broken barriers and made strides in her career that many said weren’t possible. She has […]

10 Things Deploying Taught Me

10 years ago, this month, I stepped out of a C-130 and onto the flight line at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. I want to share what deploying taught me. The three main reasons I wrote this article was to help you prepare for a deployment, deal with the emotions of deploying and to let […]

Working on Jet Engines in the Air Force

Working on Jet Engines in the Air Force

Jenny served in the Air Force for six years as an Aerospace Propulsion specialist (Maintenance). She worked on the B-1 and F-16’s jet engines. She decided not to reenlist in early 2019. Today, she is currently working toward her degree and is married to someone still serving in the military and they have one child. […]

Transitioning from the National Guard Isn’t The Same

Transitioning from the National Guard Isn’t The Same

Sara McMurrough is a veteran of the Army National Guard and a military spouse. She began her service as an enlisted soldier in the delayed entry program in 1998, while finishing her senior year of high school. While attending Penn State, Sara deployed to Bosnia from 2002 to 2003. She later worked as a Gold […]

A Rape Survivor Story

A Rape Survivor Story

Can you imagine what it is like to be a woman in the military? Unfortunately being raped is one of the struggles women face. Ruthie is a rape survivor She shares her story this week on the podcast about being raped, not once but twice and what she did to help someone who was being […]

Serving during Operation Desert Storm

Serving during Operation Desert Storm

What do you know about Operation Desert Storm? I loved getting to talk to Angela Beltz this week about her experience in the Army National Guard. She was one of the first to deploy from her unit for Operation Desert Storm and talks about the challenges she faced. Serving Operation During Desert Storm – Episode […]

What does a Civil Engineer do in the Air Force?

What does a Civil Engineer do in the Air Force?

What does a Civil Engineer do in the Air Force. Check out Rachael’s story of serving in the Air Force as a Civil Engineer. Rachael and I served on active duty together as Air Force Civil Engineers at Wright-Patterson AFB. I had a chance to interview her for my deployment series in 2017 which is […]

Serving as Female Marine Corps Officer

Serving as Female Marine Corps Officer

This episode is sponsored by . What is it like to serve as a female Marine Corps Officer? Hear the latest episode of Women of the Military and how Katie ended up in the Marines and what her experience was like. A Female Marine Corps Officer. Katie served in the United States Marine Corps for […]