A Joint Mission in Afghanistan: My Deployment Story

Shortly after arriving in Afghanistan, I was able to part of a joint mission between the French Task Force and the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). We had done a quick visit down to Southern Tagab before the team we replaced left. And our team decided it would be a great opportunity to team up with […]

PRT Missions (Part 4)

The Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) went on missions “outside the wire” (off base) for many different reasons.  Most often the PRT Engineers had some part to play in whatever PRT missions happened.   The main reason the PRT Engineers had to go off base was to complete site visits of the various projects located throughout […]

Afghanistan Through Pictures: A Peek Inside

Afghanistan Through Pictures: A  Peek Inside

I decided a fun way to share my deployment would be through sharing Afghanistan through pictures. At the time I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have a Public Affairs (PA) team with us on every mission. I have so many pictures from my deployment. Many of my friends have less than twenty pictures […]

Going Home from a Deployment: Hurry Up and Wait

Going Home from a Deployment: Hurry Up and Wait

Going home from a deployment is a lot of hurry up and wait. You probably didn’t realize the process it takes to get you from your deployed location and back home. I was in Afghanistan and the process to get from my Forward Operating Base and back to the United States was almost a three-week […]