Did you know I still have most of my letters from my deployment? If you have been subscribed to my email list (click here if you want to join) or read the blog for very long you probably know I have the digital emails I sent home and am creating them into a book. But […]
Category Archives: Deployment Stories
A Joint Mission in Afghanistan: My Deployment Story
Shortly after arriving in Afghanistan, I was able to part of a joint mission between the French Task Force and the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). We had done a quick visit down to Southern Tagab before the team we replaced left. And our team decided it would be a great opportunity to team up with […]
PRT Missions (Part 4)
The Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) went on missions “outside the wire” (off base) for many different reasons. Most often the PRT Engineers had some part to play in whatever PRT missions happened. The main reason the PRT Engineers had to go off base was to complete site visits of the various projects located throughout […]
Sent off to War
Sometimes when I write for Five Minute Fridays I want to erase what comes out. The story I had in my mind to tell when I saw the word send was not what was written. Sharing an honest heart. Remember those who gave so much. Send GO– I’m reading Unbroken right now and it is […]
Pearl Harbor Story
Here is more of the Pearl Harbor Story from Patti. Her father was at Pearl Harbor on Dec 6, 1941, and although he rarely talked about that day some of the histories of that day live on in the memories he shared with his daughter. My great Uncle was at Pearl Harbor on Dec 6, […]
Remembering A Pearl Harbor Survivor

One of my readers shared with me about the day she learned her father was a Pearl Harbor Survivor. Here is the story she shared with me. May we never forget the sacrifice and lives lost that day. Sharing Patti’s Memory When I was in the fourth grade I came home from school and like […]
Pumpkins in Afghanistan

Letter home from my deployment in 2010: Pumpkins in Afghanistan We don’t have pumpkins yet, but they are growing like weeds and we have flowers so hopefully soon we will have little baby pumpkins. It is crazy how much fun taking care of the garden is. Even though it is hot and going back and […]
My First Mission in Afghanistan
This is the story of my first mission in Afghanistan. I spent nine months in Afghanistan and four months in Indiana for training. I almost spent the twenty-fifth year of my life training for or being in Afghanistan. When I left for training when I was two weeks before my twenty-fifth birthday and came back […]
Afghanistan Through Pictures: A Peek Inside

I decided a fun way to share my deployment would be through sharing Afghanistan through pictures. At the time I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have a Public Affairs (PA) team with us on every mission. I have so many pictures from my deployment. Many of my friends have less than twenty pictures […]
Going Home from a Deployment: Hurry Up and Wait

Going home from a deployment is a lot of hurry up and wait. You probably didn’t realize the process it takes to get you from your deployed location and back home. I was in Afghanistan and the process to get from my Forward Operating Base and back to the United States was almost a three-week […]