Hi, I’m Amanda. I am a military spouse and an Air Force veteran. I served in the Air Force for six years as a Civil Engineer including a deployment to Afghanistan. My blog Airman to Mom is a place for me to share my experience as both a military spouse and veteran. But I also like to write for other military publications. I have put together the articles I have written and interviews I have done.
Do you want me to write for you? Email me at airmantomom@gmail.com
Military Spouse Magazine
The Complicated Relationship Between Female Service Members and Female Military Spouses
Military Families Magazine
From Dual Military to Military Spouse Life
SO Unbecoming Podcast- Episode 8
NextGen MilSpouse
Happy Hour Podcast – Episode 79
Proposed BAH Cuts Unfairly Targets Mil to Mil Couples
People often ask me do you miss the military?
Why I left the Air Force to be a Stay at Home Mom
Rent Blog
How to Declutter Before a Move, Room by Room
Military Crashpad
Why You Need to Visit White Sands National Monument and Trinity Site
8 Favorite Places to Eat in San Antonio
5 Great Road Trips from Holloman AFB