Brave Women, Strong Faith: Inspiring Stories by Military Women and Wives is a “battle cry of praise.” The collaborative authors of this project have successfully shared the military experience from the Christian perspective. In its pages, this book seeks to comfort those feeling alone, encourage those facing struggle, and to connect those in need of the community. Order now!
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Brave Women, Strong Faith
This week on the podcast I wanted to share stories from 3 of the authors for Brave Women, Strong Faith. Sometimes as a military spouse I feel like an outsider and one of the reasons I am so excited about this book is there is a whole section of the book dedicated to military spouses who are also veterans. I was worried my story wouldn’t fit and I wasn’t sure how it would come together. But it has highlighted the challenge of being both a military spouse and veteran. With five women in total sharing their stories within the book.
Some of the authors of Brave Women Strong Faith
This week I got to chance to talk to Laura Schofield, Richelle Futch, and Danielle Whalen. In this episode, we covered stories from military servicemember to military spouse life. We discussed how we got involved in the Brave Women Strong Faith project and what the military meant to us.
Battle Buddies
Brave Women Strong Faith built a community among military spouses where we met new friends and have been able to support and encourage each other along the way. I loved it when Laura talked about having “battle buddies again.” It is true, this community has given us that sense of support where we are a team working to share the stories of military women.
I already interview Sherry Eifler on the Women of the Military Podcast for Episode 37. She has two chapters in Brave Women Strong Faith and the second chapter is focused on being a military spouse and veteran. Megan Harless is also a veteran and military spouse contributor. She is an advocate for helping improve moving from base to base.
I’m proud to be an author for Brave Women, Strong Faith. Order your copy today! Click here.
Connect with the authors:
Dannielle Wahlen
Danielle Whalen is a self-proclaimed “King’s Daughter” who loves the Lord, cherishes her family. She is passionate about uplifting others to know their true value in God! With over 15 years of professional experience in crisis intervention gained by serving as a Masters Level Clinical Social Worker. She served in the Coast Guard for nine years. And is the spouse of a 21 year Coast Guard retiree. She is a ministry leader for Celebrate Recovery.
Richelle Futch
Richelle Futch is a Marine Corps Veteran now Mental Health Counselor and Army spouse. She is a homeschooling mom of three. She is the creator of Her Ruck: Unpacking Your Emotional Ruck for Military Spouses.
Laura Schofield
Laura Schofield served in the Washington Army National Guard for 18 months. She was medically discharged from military service. Currently, she is a Marine Corps Military Spouse, homeschooling mama, and writer.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Speak Up Conference
What Does Military Service Mean?
Military Sexual Trauma
Related Episodes:
Transitioning from the Guard isn’t the Same – Episode 59
Military Spouse to Active Duty and Back Again – Episode 24
Helping others after service – Episode 44
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