When I started collecting deployment stories I asked anyone and everyone to share. I was surprised that only one guy from the current war era answered my request. I call him my guy in Afghanistan. I really thought I would share mostly a guys experience. And even though I wasn’t able to get follow up questions from this interview, I had to share his response.
Rank during deployment:
Army Specialist (E4)
Current rank/current job if you have left the military:
Intelligence specialist with the Department of Justice
Where did you deploy to?
What was you or your team’s mission?
Strategic level intelligence
What was your job?
Intelligence Analyst
What cultural differences do you remember between the country you went to and the United States?
When speaking, they get very close to your face and it is considered rude to back away or move.
What landscape differences do you remember between the country you went to and the United States?
Everything was brown and flat.
Were there any particular foods that you ate while overseas that was different from the United States?
The British Dining Facility….fish and chips were my friend.
What was the hardest thing you faced with the cultural difference in the country you were deployed to?
Communication through body language.
As a male do you remember being treated differently than your female counterparts, explain?
The Afghans were more amazed when they saw a working woman in uniform.
What challenges did you face?
Maintaining weight because I was burning too many calories so I had to eat way more than I ever thought possible.
What is the one thing you remember most from your deployment?
The lack of color.
What question do you get when people find out you deployed?
Do you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Today is Day 20 of 31 Days of Deployment Stories. Yesterday I shared When A Spouse Tags Along to Korea. Tomorrow I will be sharing a story of What It Is like to be a Civil Engineer on 5 different Deployments. Don’t miss a post. Sign up for my weekly newsletter here.
thanks for this. I am learning so much from your series. These are things I’ve never really thought much about, and it’s good to be exposed to another side of life. I look forward to reading what comes tomorrow!
I’m so glad you are enjoying the series. Thank you for coming each day and reading. It means a lot.