Welcome home from Afghanistan

This was my first mission outside the wire (off base) when I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010.

This was my first mission outside the wire (off base) when I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010.

I thought a new way to share my Afghanistan experience would be to see some of the responses I received from different letters I sent home. In this first addition. I am going to pick responses from when I sent the letter that I was finally home. I made it back to the United States on 1 November 2010. I left for my training on 6 November 2009. I was almost gone for a full year. I was happy to be back in New Mexico even though so much had changed in the year I was gone.

I’m glad to see you coming home safely.  Thank you for going and serving.  I know it wasn’t easy being separated from your husband.  Enjoy getting to know each other again, and we look forward to seeing what God has for both of you in the future.

Yippee, you are home!!

Thank you for your service for our freedom AND for getting home safely. Your description of what happened in July was probably adrenaline pumping experience for you. Glad you ALL came through it unscathed.

Welcome Back!

We are so happy you are back in the States safely.  Even though I didn’t write to you I did pray for you a lot. 

I have been following your notes, and forwarding them to family and a friend. We have been praying for you and so thankful to God for getting you home.

So glad you made it home safely!!

I’m so happy you are safely home.

Welcome back home to the good old US. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and pictures with us. I’ve been passing them on to the friends. It’s so amazing to see you in full gear and doing what your were doing!

Being deployed was difficult, but all the care packages and letters from family and friends made it not so hard. I am thankful for everyone who took the time to send me a package, write me a note and pray for me while I was gone. I often get told thank you for my service, but I don’t think the people left behind know how important they are to the ones out serving.

~If you are interested in sending someone overseas a care package comment below and I will get you contact information of someone stationed overseas. ~


10 comments on “Welcome home from Afghanistan

  1. I remember flying into Baltimore in the middle of the night when we got home. The biggest memory that I have was being welcomed by a large group of folks of all ages with hand made cards, cheering. They sounded the way that I felt. As people gave high-fives and shook hands saying “thank you”, I just didn’t know how to respond until I heard the Doc say, “thank you for your support”. That moment just really stuck in my head. That and asking for a beer the following morning at 8am on the next flight. The flight attendant was super awesome about it.

    • Wow, what a cool story, thanks for sharing. When we got home there was a small group of people waiting for us to Welcome us home, but I had totally forgotten about that. I also remember they let us go to the front of the line to get through security.

    • Thanks, my mom encouraged me to add the part about connecting people with care packages. She helps proof read my stories and at the end she wanted to send someone a care package. 🙂

    • I might have to find some responses I got while I was there and come up with another post. There is so much to share from my deployment. I just keep finding new ways to share.

  2. Thank you for sharing your “welcome home” notes and messages. Yes, we “back home” give much support to those deployed “over there”…my father served in the US Army in Korea back when I was a baby…that was in 1951!! Then, he served a one-year “tour” (not a luxury vacation tour for sure!) in Viet Nam; he retired after returning from that tour. My brother served over 20 years in the US Army as well; through Desert Storm era, and retired from that! My son is currently serving in the Army National Guard and has been deployed three times; once to Afghanistan and twice to Iraq. He has also helped with many other types of disasters such as the Katrina Hurricane and the oil spill in the Gulf.

    I totally understand the feelings from the “support” side; can’t say I know how it is to be there and appreciate your sharing your experiences in your blog. I look forward to reading mmore. Thank you again for sharing!!

    • Family and friends mean so much to the people overseas. People who are at home are not given enough credit for how important they are. You can check out all my deployment post so far under the Military Life tab. 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing more of your story.\I would be interested in sending someone a care package as part of celebrating my (57th) birthday in March. I have been so blessed that I want to give back to someone. You have my email. Thanks for e giving me this opportunity.

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