How to Stay Focused and Enjoy Life – One Word

One word to focus on and I decided to pick ENJOY. And I plan to stay focused and enjoy life!

One word to focus on for 2018 and I decided to pick ENJOY. I choose to stay focused and enjoy life in 2018. What do you have planned for 2018? #oneword #enjoylife

For us, it is a moving year. After being planted for four years in California close to family we are being sent across the country to the East Coast. Our roots have grown pretty deep and saying goodbye…. Well, it is going to be hard. And I guess I could focus on the bad parts, but instead…

I choose to stay focused and enjoy life.

Because I choose to enjoy the moments I have left here with family and friends.

And I choose to take time to breath of the beautiful clean ocean air.

Finally, I choose to stop, reflect and just take in life as it happens.

In the last few months before moving on to the next assignment sometimes I feel the crunch of doing and seeing it all. We have done a lot. We have made deep connections. And yes, there is still more we would like to do. We will do what we can, but my focus for this year is going to be to enjoy.

Enjoy life

Enjoy friends

Enjoy family

Enjoy all the memories to come

And then summer will be here and it will be time for a new adventure. Time to say goodbye to friends and family and head out on a new adventure. And deep down inside of me I could focus on what’s bad. The leaving, the saying goodbye, the starting over.

But instead my focus is changing for this year. Our moving year. Instead of focusing on the things that make me sad. I’m choosing to enjoy the adventure. I’m choosing to enjoy the extra time with my boys and husband as we travel across the country to our new home and new life. And I’m choosing to enjoy the friendships that are to come and holding on to the ones that will inevitable change as life changes.

A Move on the Horizon

Every time we have moved it has taken about six months for me to find my rhythm and new sense of normal. So, I know there will be times of loneliness and struggle. That is what new seasons of life require. A little bit of struggle. A little bit of growing and maybe even a little bit of change. And this process is something akin to grief so I likely won’t enjoy it. But I’m hoping with my focus on the joy instead of the struggle I will come through it stronger and once again well connected.

Are you leaving the military? Are you unsure what comes next? Struggling with what do next? I can help. I served in Air Force for six years before becoming a military spouse, mom and blogger. The transition from military to mom was a hard one for me and the one thing that helped me was finding purpose again. I want to help you navigate the transition of life after the military and help you thrive. I created a workbook with the tools I have learned the past four years. Leading me from lost, lonely mom to momprenuer. #militarylife

How will a focus on the word ENJOY affect 2019? I’m not sure, but I’m excited to see what happens when I stay focused and enjoy life.

Have you picked a word for 2019? I’d love to hear what it is and why.


8 comments on “How to Stay Focused and Enjoy Life – One Word

    • Thanks for the prayers. We are excited, nervous and sad at the same time. I like the word joy. I think it is really similar to Enjoy, but also different. I hope you have a great 2018!

  1. My word is hygge. It gives me a desire to really get rid of the clutter and make my home more welcoming and cozy. Moving is never easy and cross country will be quite a change. Early in my marriage we made several cross country moves in a few years time, so I understand. 🙂

    Blessings to you! xoxo

    • I had to google what hygge was. That is a great word. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see your cozy home after we move. It is hard, but it is also exciting. Each time we move it gets harder to say goodbye. You would think it would be easier, but I guess as life changes you change as well. I was able to get connected quickly to this community here. Saying goodbye is going to be the part of moving.

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